
Residential Installation and renovation Services

What these Entail:

Residential property installations and renovations are a way for homeowners to freshen up and sometimes completely change the feel and look of their home. Whenever met with a renovation I like the clients to go out and take photos of what they like in their given area. Whether it be while on a bike ride or walk. I want to design a landscape that reflects the people for whom I am working with, after all it is your home not mine. My responsibility is to then take the plant pallet that has been decided on and create an outdoor environment that reflects what the homeowners are trying to accomplish. The focus, generally speaking, is putting the right plant in the right place. Basically you show me the things you like and I will see where it is best placed in your design. In the end its more of a collaborative design process and the owners can take pride that they assisted in the process. It is as much their design as it is mine.
